A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species of temperate Eurasia



Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Alien plant species, Biological invasion, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Robinia pseudoacacia


We present a systematic global literature review of Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia invasions using a well established methodology in the biological and medical sciences focusing on the Scopus and Web of Science databases. We examined the data on papers, study area location, habitat studied, topic discussed. We hypothesized that these species were studied evenly throughout their invaded ranges and, as such, indexed by international databases. We asked whether four selected species, considered as invasive plants of temperate zone, are presented more or less evenly in publications related to their invaded ranges, and whether both selected international databases cover appropriately a contents of these papers. As a result, we found 33 papers for A. negundo, 10 papers for F. pennsylvanica, 66 papers for A. altissima, and 65 papers for R. pseudoacacia. A high percentage of the studies were conducted in Western Europe and in USA (for A. altissima), while Eastern Europe, Russia and Western United States were poorly represented by study areas. Most studies were conducted in forests, and were focused on either impacts or distribution of aliens in invaded range, as well as their control and management. We can conclude that the use only Web of Science and Scopus is not sufficient to generalize the complete data about the invasion biology. Especially, if the study is aimed to conduct an assessment that covers areas other than North America and Western Europe. In future systematic reviews, other, non-English-language, regional databases should be used if possible.



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How to Cite

Khapugin, A. A. (2019). A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species of temperate Eurasia. Hacquetia, 18(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/7210


