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Studies on the genus Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae) in Italy. VII. Atriplex micrantha and A. oblongifolia


  • Duilio Iamonico University of Rome Sapienza
  • Maurizio Bovio Scientific Committee of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences “Efisio Noussan”


Atriplex heterosperma, Italian alien flora, new record, synonym, typification


A note on Atriplex micrantha subsp. micrantha and A. oblongifolia is presented.

A population of Atriplex micrantha subsp. micrantha was found in Valle d’Aosta region representing the first north-western Italian record. Moreover, our discovery is the second one at national level after being found in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (north-eastern Italy) about 20 years ago. The newely found population (about 100 indivuduals) covers an area of about 200 m2, and grows on uncultivated and saline lands at 950 m a.s.l. Despite the inland locality (the species naturally grows in saline places or, if alien, in human-made habitat strictly linked to saline area like the sea), we hypothesize that its occurrence is linked to the use of salt-spreading vehicles.

Concerning Atriplex oblongifolia, only one Italian record was published up to now (by Fiori in 1898) and it regards Emilia-Romagna region (north Italy). We have not able to trace any herbarium specimen referred to the locality above mentioned, and no plants were discovered after field surveys.

Finally, we studied in detail the types of the names Atriplex micrantha subsp. micrantha , A. oblongifolia, and A. heterosperma. We designate the lectotype of A. micrantha and A. oblongifolia on, respectively, a Ledebour’s and Waldstein & Kitaibel’s illustrations; we also correct Schwarz’s typification of A. heterosperma according to the Art. 9.10 ICN (a LE specimen), and confirm the synonymization of this name with A. micrantha subsp. micrantha.


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2022-06-27 — Updated on 2023-01-28


How to Cite

Iamonico, D., & Bovio, M. (2023). Studies on the genus Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae) in Italy. VII. Atriplex micrantha and A. oblongifolia. Hacquetia, 22(1). Retrieved from


