Organ Accompaniment Practices of Uneducated Cantors in Small Villages of the Carpathian Basin


  • Pál Richter Archives and Department for Folk Music and Folk Dance Research, Institute of Musicology RCH, 1014 Budapest, Táncsics Mihály utca 7



peasant cantors, organ accompaniment, harmonization, Carpathian Basin, East-Central Europe, music, tradition, church music practice


Cantors uneducated in music are usually outside the church hierarchy, but inside the community in small Christian villages of east-central Europe. Their organ playing and accompaniment may preserve characteristics from previous centuries and can be regarded as proof of a formerly widespread harmonization method, but may also appear within music learning as a certain degree of musical knowledge, offering an anthropological explanation of the entire phenomenon. Using the inductive method, the results of case studies from the Carpathian Basin can be considered more or less valid for the larger European region (i.e., east-central Europe) with similar history, social development, and cultural circumstances.


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How to Cite

Richter, P. (2019). Organ Accompaniment Practices of Uneducated Cantors in Small Villages of the Carpathian Basin. Traditiones, 48(2), 133–147.

