Viola Pyrenaica Ramond ex DC in The Northeren part of the Dinaric Mountains (the Plateaus of trnovski gozd and Nanos, Slovenia)


  • Igor Dakskobler Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI - 5220 Tolmin, Slovenia
  • Jernej Peljhan Col 68 a, SI-5273 Col, Slovenia


Viola pyrenaica, syntaxonomy, Carpinion orientalis, Satureion subspicatae, the Julian Alps, the Trnovski gozd plateau, the Nanos plateau, the Dinaric mountains, Slovenia


The article describes new localities of a south-European montane species Viola pyrenaica in the Julian Alps and in the Trnovski gozd and Nanos plateaus (the northern part of the Dinaric mountains). It has been established that in the localities known so far in Slovenia, the species grows on similar sites as elsewhere in the Alps and other mountain ranges of the Balkan Peninsula, above all on overgrown screes, stony grasslands, on forest edges, in light forests on stony ground and in tall herb communities on calcareous bedrock in the submontane, montane and subalpine belt (450 to 1600 m a.s.l.). The floristic composition of the communities in which it grows is presented in four tables. On the Trnovski gozd plateau it was found in various successional stages of abandoned pastures or grasslands of the association Genisto sericeae-Seslerietum kalnikensis and in open coppice stands of hop hornbeam and flowering ash, which are classified into the association Seslerio autumnalis-Ostryetum carpinifoliae.


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How to Cite

Dakskobler, I., & Peljhan, J. (2015). Viola Pyrenaica Ramond ex DC in The Northeren part of the Dinaric Mountains (the Plateaus of trnovski gozd and Nanos, Slovenia). Hacquetia, 6(2). Retrieved from




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