Addition of Se affected concentration of Se in the second generation of Tartary buckwheat plants / Dodatek selena je vplival na koncentracijo Se v potomkah s Se obravnavanih rastlin


  • Aleksandra Golob University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Drena Gadžo Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, University of Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 8, BiH 7000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
  • Vekoslava Stibilj Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Mirha Djikić Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, University of Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 8, BiH 7000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
  • Teofil Gavrić Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, University of Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 8, BiH 7000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
  • Mateja Germ University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



Tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat plants were grown on the field in natural conditions at high elevation. Tartary buckwheat plants were foliarly treated with Se and S (126 μM for each element). Seeds were collected and sown to obtain the progeny of Se-and S- treated plants. Concentration of Se was measured in these plants. Concentration of Se in all plant parts was similar in control and S treated plants. The concentration of Se was the highest in plants from seeds grown on Se treated plants in roots and leaves. It is shown that Se treatments in previous generation affected Se concentration in the progeny of Tartary buckwheat. Results also showed that in untreated plants, Se concentration was higher in Tartary comparing to common buckwheat in roots and seeds. 

Key words: Tartary buckwheat, selenium, sulphur


Navadna in tatarska ajda sta uspevali na njivi na visoki nadmorski višini. Tatarsko ajdo smo listno škropili s selenom in žveplom (126 μM za vsak element). Na koncu rastne sezone smo na rastlinah zbrali semena in jih naslednje leto posejali. Na ta način smo dobili potomce s Se in S obravnavanih rastlin. V teh rastlinah smo merili koncentracijo Se. Koncentracija Se pri tatarski ajdi je bila v vseh rastlinskih delih podobna pri kontrolnih rastlinah in rastlinah, zrastlih iz semen, obravanavanih s S. Najvišjo koncentracijo Se v listih in koreninah so imele rastline, zrasle iz semen, nabranih na rastlinah, listno škropljenih s Se. Rezultati kažejo, da se obravnavanje s Se v prvi generaciji izrazi v večji koncentraciji Se v potomkah teh rastlin pri tatarski ajdi. Izsledki raziskav so prav tako pokazali, da je koncentracija Se v kontrolnih rastlinah v koreninah in semenih višja pri tatarski ajdi v primerjavi z navadno ajdo. 

Ključne besede: tatarska ajda, selen, žveplo





