Wood biomass production with fast growing trees on arable land in Slovenia / Stanje, izkušnje in možnosti pridobivanja lesne biomase s hitrorastočimi drevesi na zunajgozdnih površinah v Sloveniji


  • Gregor Božič Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics, Slovenian Forestry Institute
  • Nike Krajnc Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics, Slovenian Forestry Institute


This paper presents a historical overview of plantation activities with fast growing trees in the last 60 years, the production potential of indigenous poplars (Populus nigra L., Populus alba L.) and willows (Salix spp.) in Slovenia based on their share relative to other tree species in the growing stock of lowland forests, and its comparison with intensive poplar production plantations on arable land. Data was obtained from the Forestry Information System of the Slovenia Forest Service, from grey and published literature, and through interviews. New possibilities for SRC plantations for energy wood biomass production in short rotation cycles are discussed.

Key words: Populus x spp., Salix x spp., biomass, plantation, short-rotation forestry, Slovenia


V prispevku obravnavamo zgodovinski pregled zasajanja nasadov na zunajgozdnih površinah v Sloveniji s hitrorastočimi drevesnimi vrstami v 60-letnem obdobju. Podali smo oceno proizvodnih potencialov avtohtonih topolov (Populus nigra L., Populus alba L.) in vrb (Salix spp.) v naravnih sestojih glede na njihov delež v skupni lesni zalogi nižinskih gozdov. Rezultate smo nadalje primerjali z intenzivnimi topolovimi proizvodnimi nasadi. V analizo smo zajeli podatke Gozdarskega informacijskega sistema Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije za leto 2007, bibliografske podatke ter podatke, ki smo jih pridobili z intervjuji. Prispevek obravnava tudi nove možnosti SRC-nasadov za pridobivanje lesne biomase v energetske namene s kratkimi obhodnjami.

Ključne besede: Populus x spp., Salix x spp., biomasa, nasad, gozdarstvo s kratkimi obhodnjami, Slovenija





