Phylogenetic position of the genus Chaetoniphargus Karaman et Sket (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) from dinaric karst. An extreme case of homoplasy / Filogenetski položaj rodu Chaetoniphargus Karaman et Sket (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) iz ...


  • Boris Sket Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za biologijo, Ljubljana
  • Gordan S. Karaman Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Podgorica




An alternative, phylogenetically grounded taxonomy of the recently described Chaetoniphargus lubuskensis Karaman & Sket (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) is presented. The recently described new genus and species, Chaetoniphargus lubuskensis from Dinaric Karst, has formerly only been taxonomically evaluated by a classical approach, based on morphology. Species of genera Niphargobatoides, Niphargobates, Chaetoniphargus, differ from Niphargus spp. mainly by slightly elevated number of maxilla I spines, by gradual reduction of maxillary and mandibular palps, by a strong reduction of urosomal structures. Molecularly, they appear to be nested within the Niphargus tree, but separately. Their collective separation from Niphargus would make the genus Niphargus paraphyletic, but for the low number of these species practically without diminishing the confusing diversity of it. A molecular phylogenetic analysis would include all here studied niphargid species as belonging to Niphargus. The gradual change in morphology of mentioned niphargids produces a smooth transition between Niphargidae and unrelated Metacrangonyctidae. Since other facts speak against the relatedness of both families, this is an additional case of convergence, demonstrating the need of molecular analyses when we speculate on phylogenetic relations within Amphipoda. 

Key words: subterranean, taxonomy, phylogeny, Amphipoda, Niphargidae, Metacrangonyctidae, Chaetoniphargus


Podajava alternativno, filogenetsko osnovano taksonomijo nedavno opisanega Chaetoniphargus lubuskensis Karaman & Sket (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae). Pravkar opisan nov rod in vrsta iz Dinarskega krasa je bila taksonomsko ovrednotena samo s klasičnim pristopom in na osnovi morfologije. Vrste rodov Niphargobatoides, Niphargobates, Chaetoniphargus, se razlikujejo od Niphargus spp. predvsem po malce zvišanem številu trnov na maksili I, po postopni redukciji maksilarnih in mandibularnih palpov, po močni redukciji urosomalnih struktur. Po molekulski analizi se izkaže, da so vgnezdeni v rod Niphargus in to ločeno. Če jih taksonomsko ločimo iz rodu Niphargus, ga naredijo parafiletskega. Ker pa jih je tako malo, s tem nič ne zmanjšamo moteče raznolikosti rodu. Molekulska filogenetska analiza bi vgnezdila vse tukaj omenjene vrste kot pripadnice rodu Niphargus, torej rodovna imena kot sinonima imena Niphargus. Postopno spreminjanje v morfologiji omenjenih nifargidov nam pokaže gladek prehod med družino Niphargidae in le malo sorodno družino Metacrangonyctidae. To je dodaten primer konvergence, ki kaže nujnost molekulskega preverjanja, ko ugotavljamo filogenetske odnose znotraj skupine Amphipoda 

Ključne besede: podzemeljsko, taksonomija, filogenija, Amphipoda, Niphargidae, Metacrangonyctidae, Chaetoniphargus






