Phytosociological analysis of Quercus cerris woods in the sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region of Slovenia / Fitocenološka analiza gozdov cera (Quercus cerris) v submediteranskem fitogeografskem območju Slovenije


  • Igor Dakskobler Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional Research Unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin and Biotechnical Faculty of the University in Ljubljana, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Večna pot 83, SI-1000 Ljubljana
  • Zvone Sadar Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Območna enota Sežana, Krajevna enota Kozina, Hrpelje, Reška cesta 14, SI-6240 Kozina
  • Andraž Čarni Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana and University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, SI-5000 Nova Gorica



We conducted a phytosociological analysis of mixed deciduous forests on flysch and mixed flysch-limestone bedrock in the Central Soča Valley, the Karst, the Brkini Hills and in Slovenian Istria with dominating Quercus cerris in the upper tree layer. Based on the comparison with similar Quercus cerris communities in Slovenia, Italy, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina we described a new association, Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum cerridis, which we classified into the alliance Carpinion orientalis. We subdivided it into three subassociations: -asparagetosum acutifolii (Quercus cerris stands in Slovenian Istria where this tree species rejuvenates successfully and keeps through many generations), -hieracietosum sabaudi (a form on slightly acid flysch soil, also in Istria) and -campanuletosum rapunculoidis (a secondary Quercus cerris community on potential beech sites). Even though the described Quercus cerris stands are considered secondary (pioneer), they overgrow very large areas and we therefore propose they be classified as a new habitat and forest site type, littoral Quercus cerris woods on flysch.

Key words: phytosociology, synsystematics, Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum cerridis, Carpinion orientalis, Istria, Slovenia


Fitocenološko smo analizirali mešane listnate gozdove na flišni in mešani flišno-apnenčasti matični podlagi v Srednjem Posočju, na Krasu, v Brkinih in v Slovenski Istri, kjer v drevesni plasti prevladuje cer (Quercus cerris). Na podlagi primerjave s podobnimi cerovimi združbami v Sloveniji, Italiji, Madžarski in Bosni in Hercegovini smo opisali novo asociacijo Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum cerridis, ki jo uvrščamo v zvezo Carpinion orientalis. Členili smo jo na tri subasociaciji: -asparagetosum acutifolii (cerovi sestoji v Slovenski Istri, kjer se ta drevesna vrsta dobro pomlajuje in ohranja skozi več generacij), -hieracietosum sabaudi (oblika na nekoliko zakisanih flišnih tleh, prav tako v Istri) in -campanuletosum rapunculoidis (drugotna cerova združba na potencialno bukovih rastiščih). Kljub temu, da opisane cerove sestoje štejemo za drugotne (pionirske), zaradi precejšnjih površin, ki jih poraščajo, predlagamo nov habitatni in gozdni rastiščni tip primorsko cerovje na flišu.

Ključne besede: fitocenologija, sinsistematika, Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum cerridis, Carpinion orientalis, Istra, Slovenija





