The Heideggerian Roots of Everyday Aesthetics


  • Cristian Hainic


everyday aesthetics, hermeneutics, facticity, textuality, hermeneutical aesthetics


Drawing upon Martin Heidegger’s hermeneutical phenomenology, which reconsiders the ontological status of works of art and focuses on their character as “things” in order to deconstruct the traditional meaning of art, I argue that everyday aesthetics may be said to pertain to a post-Heideggerian task of rethinking art and the fundamentals of aesthetics. Adopting a hermeneutical approach to art has a twofold consequence for aesthetics: (i) on the one hand, it broadens its reach, extending it beyond the realm of fine/high art, towards everyday objects and experiences, and (ii) on the other hand, it sheds new light on the relevance of artistic phenomena for lived life. I submit that (i) and (ii) are due to the fact that hermeneutics itself, as a process of interpretation, underlies all human activities, meaning that human beings exist inasmuch as they draw the meaning of their lives from the objects and experiences that they encounter.


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How to Cite

Hainic, C. (2016). The Heideggerian Roots of Everyday Aesthetics. Filozofski Vestnik, 36(1). Retrieved from